28Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
There's a song whose lyrics say, I'm climbing up on the rough side of the mountain and I'm doing my best to make it in. Those lyrics always make me laugh because I try to image someone climbing up the smooth side of a mountain. You thought about that right? It makes no sense. What makes a mountain climbable is the fact that it is rough and you have something that you can grab onto to pull yourself up.
Interestingly you never see professional mountain climbers carrying a lot of stuff. They're not carrying huge baggage. They have their equipment, water, something to eat and maybe a tent, but they can fit it all into a back pack. As you are ascending to the next level of your life, God wants you to divest yourself of your baggage. He so wants this that He assess baggage fees. Yep. That's right. The air lines didn't think of it first. God did.
He charges fees for the issues that you don't want to put down or let go of so that you can sore higher in Him. For some of us that baggage is a person or some people in our lives. God has been telling you to let it go. He's been saying it loud and clear so He begins to assess fees. The person starts to act uncharacteristically terrible, treating you horribly. You just get to a place where the fee is too high and you let it go. Guess what that was God's fee! Or maybe it's a job, a house, a car, a pet, I do not know what your baggage is, but God wants you to let it go.
How do I know? Because the scripture referenced above tells me. God said, for those of you who have a lot of baggage and it is weighing you down come and bring it to me in exchange I will give you my yoke and my burden, which are light. With the tools that God has for you, you can soar. It's like the hiker's backpack. God's yoke and burden are the things you need to help you climb up the rough side of the mountain. You may find a word of wisdom in that bag. You may find prayer in that bag. You may find anointing in that bag. Whatever is in that backpack is what God is trying to get to you so that you can soar.
So don't be afraid when folks start falling away from you or when God begins to speak to you about divesting yourself of some of your poor relationships. Don't be upset if you lose some material things. Don't get all caught up in stuff, when God is trying to take you to a new level in Him. So today, I say, when you see me getting rid of some people, some stuff, paring down my lifestyle, don't mistake me for someone whose lost it, instead understand that God is teaching me to lighten my load because that stuff or those people can't go with me where I need to go. They're too heavy and God needs me to be svelte. He needs to be neat and fit so that I am prepared for the climb.
Today, think about what you are trying to hold onto and the fee that you're paying to try to keep it in your life. Is it worth it? I'm believing not. Instead, drop all that and take up God's burden and yoke. It will fit better and you'll be able to travel faster.