The Bible describes for us how God so desires to have a real relationship with us. God created Adam to be different than the plants and the animals. Adam was even different from the angels. Adam had will and dominion. He had a soul and a mind. He could rebel against or embrace God. He could reject or worship God. He could run away from or toward God.
Often we find ourselves trying to make up for what we have lacked in our lives and if we are not careful we can waste a lifetime attempting to create relationships with people who simply do not wish to have a relationship with us. I shared with my husband the other day that we are sometimes so invested in a cause or a person or an organization, but that investment is not requited. It is simply a bad relationship. But in all that we do for Christ we would never be able to beat God giving no matter how hard we tried.
Sometimes you long for relationships that just aren't meant for you and while you're longing for them you're ignoring God, you're neglecting your gifts and you are not being true to who God called and made you to be. There are times that the enemy wants you to feel left out and an island unto yourself because the damage isn't about you as an individual. It is about crippling the body as a whole. The devil wants to destroy generations. He wants senseless infighting because we are supposed to be known for our love toward one another. I have noted and have written that there are more and more sound bites about everyone having haters. We are a body in Christ. Who are our haters? Are we each others haters? Does an arm hate it's fingers or does a foot hate its toes? It is the enemy's tactic to divide and conquer the body of Christ. It's a great sound bite and it makes you feel good some where on the inside, but why? How does that promote a relationship with God? How does that edify the body of Christ? If you really took the time to think about it really really really hate is the lack of love. If we are one body--jointly and and tightly fit together then certainly we are done so with love. The relationship that we forge with God refreshes and renews and restores a very real love relationship within the body.
God desires a very real relationship with each of us like He had with Adam. The Bible says that God would walk with Adam in the cool of the evening in the garden of Eden. That reminds me of how my Grandmother and I used to sit on her front porch swing and talk or sometimes not talk--just keep each other company. God wants to be in our lives--not to the exclusion of others--we are social beings and even God said it is not good for us to be alone, but He doesn't want us to lose focus--trying to substitute what we feel we lack or what we didn't get as children for something or someone other than Him. No one can love you like He can. I hope today's blog releases someone. It has released me.
Now for the zinger. God is a Spirit and they that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth. In order to experience a real relationship with God we must recognize that all that we know to be tangible isn't reality and all that we have experienced in the spiritual realm is very and eternally real. We have to draw on what we can not see through faith in order to be able to please God--this is where we are weak, but in this weakness is where God is pleased with us because it is where He is strong and His strength pierces through the spiritual into the tangible.
It is time. Let's praise Him with our whole hearts. Let's love Him with all of our might. Let's surrender all to Him. Let's call out to Him. Let's sacrifice our first and our best with love in faith because without our faith it is impossible to please God--that's why Cain's sacrifice failed. Let's walk with God like Adam and Abraham. Let's return to Him. Let's love our neighbor as ourselves. All of the law and the prophets hang on these things . . . Our relationship with God, how we are called, how do people know us?. . . How do we want them to know us? It yet remains the love that we have one for another. Do you want a relationship with God? The way to get there is to love your brother and to keep His commandments.