G-UP! Ephesians 6:13~18

13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The #1 Tool that Every Teen Needs

I had a dream last night that led to this blog today. I dreamt that I was a teenager living with a severely strict family--they were not my parents. Every chance I got I escaped them and went to visit a boyfriend. The motherly figure tried to talk to me, but the fatherly figure yelled, screamed and tried to forbid me to see the young man. In my heart I knew that the father wanted to protect me from making a mistake that I would regret, but I couldn't help but feel in this dream that the more that this father figure yelled at me the less I heard and the more appealing the smooth talking boyfriend sounded--even though he had nothing else to offer me. I woke up praising God for what I'm about to share with you.

Philippians 1:6 reads And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.

My daughter is not a teen yet, but I pray everyday that her father and I are instilling in her trust in God. She teaches me moment by moment that children definitely do what you do and can be slightly steered by what you say. But the most important thing is how we live because she's following our example. So her father and I consciously set an example of faith, trust and belief in God. We pray with her and we encourage her to pray so that she can learn to develop her own relationship with God. We do not force or push anything on her. We just ask God to help us live it.

By the time we get to our teenage years we begin the painful process of severing our thoughts and our dependence from those who raised us, whether that is our parents, a guardian, or a system. Something in us makes us toddle into independence, like a baby learning to walk. For teens and for parents alike this can be a traumatic and hurting experience because of all of the falls and the bumps and the boo boos that we simply can't prevent no matter how attentive we are. Although many parents try, we cannot be with our children every moment of every day. Times will come when their own faith will be tested. Your faith is not their faith. They must learn to trust God and exercise their own faith and we must ask God how to help us allow them to do that because we want to shelter them from any pain and from all poor decisions, but we just can't.

But to ensure that our teens make as smooth a transition as possible into adulthood the one thing that we can give them that they can always rely on is an example of trusting God. That trust will instill in them the anchor of confidence and validation that they will need to persevere through any and everything that comes their way. Philippians 1:6 proves to parents and children alike that God is the one that began the good work and He WILL see to it that the work that He began is completed. We can rest in that promise because all of His promises are yea and amen.

Confidence tells us that we are valuable even in the face of life's circumstances that may say otherwise. When there isn't enough money to buy what everyone else has, confidence reassures you that it won't always be like this. When people talk about you, confidence reminds you to lift up your heads oh ye gates and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors and the King of Glory shall come in . . . Confidence provides a strong foundation from which our teens can reach back and grab the Word of God to hold on to during emotionally perilous times.

If you've ever hung out with a group of teens for any period of time, you are reminded that children can be cruel. You are reminded that these are some of the most awkward times of our lives. You are reminded of how vulnerable teens are to peer pressure. You are reminded that their decision making process is being developed and tested and it hurts to see them making poor choices.

Life is not easy for any of us. With the grace of God we do the best we can, but for the teen it can be even more painful because of smothering overbearing parenting or people speaking for them and telling them who they are or should be. Or people bossing them around in the name of discipline. Or people speaking harshly to them not remembering that they are precious in the Lord's sight. Or people simply not listening to them because we already know what they're going to say and what they want to do. On top of all of the pressure from those whom they trust there then is enemy that wants to sift them as wheat. He accuses them daily before the Father. He doesn't want them to succeed. He doesn't want them to be anchored in the Lord or to trust in Him or to have confidence. He constantly tells them to take their own lives. He tells them that they are not good enough. He tells them that they are not loved. He tells them that nobody cares about them. All of the things that the enemy tells us as adults he tells our children too and depending on how we're living in front of them and what we are saying to them they may be more vulnerable to the enemy's tactics and his message. It is our job to encourage and uplift every Christian soldier, including our teens.

Let's protect our teens by living an example of trust in God. Trusting that what God has started He can and will complete not only in our own lives, but in the lives of our teens too. Let's encourage them to trust in God too so that they can be confident that they are loved, that they have value, that God bought them with a price and that He needs them. The #1 tool that every teen needs is confidence that if they make a poor choice, God still loves them; that if they fall down, they will have support getting back up; that the adults around them are not just talking about God, but are living a holy life and providing an example of trust in God. Our teens are watching us and they will do as we do.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Umm . . .You Realize You're in a Fight Don't You?

It seems like for the last few months I've been talking to injured Christian soldiers; worn down and torn up from fighting this fierce battle with the enemy. Soldiers that are weary and tired. Soldiers who are hurting and disappointed. But my words of encouragement are always the same and they come straight from the Word which tells us that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). I also tell them that we are not wrestling with flesh and blood, but we are wrestling against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places] (Ephesians 6:12).

Please understand that we are at war! Why are you surprised that you are suffering the stings of arrows and blows? Let me tell you something I learned in my short stint in basic training. I learned that everybody doesn't come to the ARMY to fight! People that I was there with had many different motivations for being there and I soon started to learn that they were not preparing for battle and I surely didn't want them on my side!

But as Christians we have to stop living with unrealistic expectations of our battle buddies. Certainly we must love each other--that is without question! Certainly we must encourage each other to continue maturing, training and preparing for the fight. Certainly we must keep picking each other up and vowing to never leave one another behind. We must do this because we cannot make it without each other in this thing, but the difference between the natural ARMY and Christian soldiers is that this battle to take back the Kingdom by force is not ours, but it is the Lords! That means that He equips us. He puts in each of us the tools that we need to win without struggle. He puts in us the seeds of triumph so that we are able to overcome any adversary and any challenge.

As a Christian soldier you will get tired. You will get weary. You may fall down, but as Donnie McClurkin says, We Fall Down, but We Get Up! The victor of this battle is he that endures. Endure means don't be surprised when folks talk about you! Endure means don't give up when people talk to you crazy. Endure means that what God has called you to do is what He needs for you to do regardless of the discouragement that comes your way. Endure means maturing and recognizing that sometimes your battle buddy just doesn't understand your testimony or your praise because that's not where they are right now, but in spite of all of that you must press on toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. And literally there may be times when you have to go on by yourself.

Please stop acting surprised! You ARE at war! This IS happening! Now like David at Ziklag, get yourself together and encourage yourself in the Lord! While you're encouraging yourself, encourage someone else. I'll end with this story. When I was in the sixth grade my teacher, Ms. Stella Fiddmont, left the room and left me in charge as the monitor. Immediately folks got out of control and wouldn't listen to me. I felt like a failure because I couldn't get them to do what I said. When Ms. Fiddmont returned people were out of their proper places and making all kinds of noise. They were clowing so hard that didn't' even see her enter the room. I saw her and started yelling Shut up! Be Quiet! Ms. Fiddmont came and stood next to me and put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. She looked down and said to me, You be quiet and they will follow your example. Of course I thought she was out of her mind. How could that work? But she understood true leadership. A true leader provides a real and practical example to follow. That's why folks follow them because ultimately it's not about what you say, but it's about how you live.

So if you are feeling discouraged because of your war wounds, realize that Jesus was persecuted. If our Lord and Saviour wasn't spared by those who were closest to Him why are you surprised when you are misunderstood, misused or abused? Don't be. And don't allow it to move you out of position because every soldier is needed! God is our battle fighter. He is our Jehovah-Nissi. Calm yourself, take courage, encourage someone else, wake up and realize that you ARE in a battle, but that it is the Lords and finally keep pressing and be the one to endure to the end.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why do you do what you do?

When I was coming up there was a song that said, Only What You Do for Christ Will Last. I often think of the words of this song when I'm challenged to minister, to pray, to share the gospel or to serve in any capacity. I stop and ask myself why am I doing what I'm doing. I ask myself if God will be pleased with what I'm doing. Finally, I ask myself if it matters to me that no other person my ever know what I've done.

The latter question is the most important to me because it seems like the flesh wants to be praised. In the past I felt the urge to just blurt out that I was responsible for this or that or that something was my idea. I've even had the audacity to want to say that I was responsible for someone coming to Christ. Now that I look back at it all I can see that it is total nonsense.

When I was a little girl I asked God to use me and I imagined myself as a tool in His tool belt. I envisioned Him just taking me out and using me sometime in my life for whatever task it was--no matter how great or now small. When I became a teenager I was so determined to work for the Lord that I'd do any job at the church--I signed up to clean the bathrooms at church and to work in the kitchen. I just wanted to serve and I really didn't care how God used me. I just wanted to be used and I was content with whatever assignment He gave me.

If it wasn't for the grace of God where would I be? I work for the Kingdom because God has been so good to me, because I reverence Him, because He's kept me, because He's brought me from a mighty long way, because He reached way down and picked even me up out of the muck and the mire, and if He so graciously did that for me, I have to share with others that He can and will be whatever you need.

It is important; no paramount, that we understand why we do what we do. Do we help others so that we can brag about it? Do we sacrifice so that others can see what we've done? Do we have a secret desire for people to praise us or to value us for what we've done? Do we need validation from others?

If what I'm doing is for Christ then the only one that I'm seeking to please is Christ. I truly believe that putting Christ first in my focus will bring me to a place where I will mature spiritually and where I can find favor with God and man. But if no person ever acknowledges anything that we do as Christians--if they never know that you were behind the scenes, it's all good. God elevates and promotes.

Recall Matthew 7:22 and 23 where Jesus says there will be many that claim to have performed tasks in His name, but He will have to tell them to depart because He doesn't know them. Why wouldn't He know people who were doing things in His name? Because it's not about the what it's about the why. It's not about the thing, but its about the heart condition that led you to do the thing.

Let's spend our lives doing good. Let's spend our time helping others. Let's give all out ministering. Let's sell out, but let's do it all for Christ's sake. If He is always the reason and the focus we can't go wrong. Our deeds will last beyond the end of this age. Our names will appear in the Lambs Book of Life. We will have fulfilled our calling and our purpose and that is all the vindication and satisfaction that we need.

Monday, May 9, 2011

The 23 Reasons Why We Should be Saved

Good morning!

This morning's blog and several hereafter will deal with evangelism as we prepare for our Soul Saving Summer at uE. I'm excited about the training that we are receiving in preparation for being about our Father's business. After all, there's no business like church business, which should be the business of soul salvation.

Bishop Woods began a series last Wednesday evening titled The 23 Reasons Why We Should Be Saved. He began by breaking down the Romans road to Salvation with scriptures from (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:13, and 10:9-10. He then shared the following:

1. Matthew 10:28: we should be saved because there is a very real "Hell" and we do not want to be destroyed and go to it. Our time would be well spent reverencing God who can destroy both body and soul in hell.

2. 1 John 2:12 we should be saved so that we can receive forgiveness. Christ has already paid the price for sin. He has already paved the way for salvation. It is not His desire that any one perish but that all receive the gift of God, which is eternal life. Let's take advantage of the salvation that has been given to us through forgiveness of our sins.

3. John 3:7 we should be saved so that we can experience being born again. Everything is new to a baby. Babies take in every experience with a WOW! type of excitement and wonder. Life is fresh for them and everything that they learn that they can do is amazing to them. This is the same newness that God wants for us as newborn babes desiring the sincere milk of the Word. He wants us to experience newness of life and to be amazed by the journey that He is taking us on. He wants us to have faith like a child; trusting that He will take care of all of our needs.

4. John 1:12 we should be saved so that we can have an incredible relationship with God as His sons and daughters.

5. Philippians 4:7 we should be saved so that we can have peace. Being saved provides peace with God as we are no longer at enmity with Him, but it also provides the peace of God which allows us to rest in the comfort knowing that He has everything in our lives within His full control. While we may not understand everything that the hand of God is doing in our lives we can always be at peace knowing for certain that the heart of God means everything for our good and our advancement. He has plans for us and those plans are for hope and for a future.