G-UP! Ephesians 6:13~18

13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Monday, June 28, 2010

It's about God's Annointing, God's Approval and God's Assignment

Bishop Noel Jones has a song titled, It's not About us, but it's about Jesus. I thought about this song and its lyrics against a background of my church experiences. The thought occurred to me that many Christians may say out of our mouths that it's not about us, but truly believe that it is all about us and kind of about Jesus. The proof is in our behavior not in our mouth. As my grandma would say, "You can form your mouth to say anything."

Our backbiting, poking fun at, refusing to work together and get along, take over spirit, competitive spirit, unwilling to relent and make for peace ways prove that we don't think it's about Jesus. Now I understand when my Bishop says not to come down to deal with issues that are beneath me because to do so puts the focus on me. It elevates my feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, envy or angry. It makes it about me and not about Jesus.

When it's about Jesus, "I" and "me" are minimized. Instead we yield to God's will. When we yield to God's will our perspective about everything changes. Conflict is minimized because we yield. Jealousy isn't an option. Hating is out the window. Preferring one another is in order. Being genuinely loving and caring comes easily. Integrity is our habit. What many of us fail to realize when we receive Christ is that He enhances us. He doesn't take away. If you have style then you'll have style on steroids. If you've got swag prepare for your swag to be raised to a whole new level. You don't have to push yourself or your agenda as a matter of fact lay it all down. As you obey God and He regenerates you with His anointing the ministry that is within you will be developed as part of His process for your life. You may be serving faithfully and feeling like no one is watching, but who needs to see it except Jesus? Every experience that we have in the Lord is for His glory and to encourage ourselves and each other. God makes us better. The longer we spend bringing our lives in order with His Word the longer it takes for us to experience the good gifts and prosperity that He has for us.

Remember everything that we do prepares us for another purpose and another task. God does everything for a reason and allows every experience for a reason. Our prayer ought to be that as we journey through our Anointing into our Approval that God blesses our understanding. Everything that we experience in our lives qualifies us for our Assignment. They key is to allow God to work His perfect work in you so that you can be used for His Glory because after all it's not about us.

It's about Jesus when we realize that God is sovereign and as my daddy used to tell me, "You ain't running nothing, but your mouth and you shoes over." Listening for God's guiding voice and developing a real worship relationship with Him will bring about the validation and satisfaction that we long for in our lives and try so very unsuccessfully to get out of others. As we draw closer to the Lord and become open He will give us His unmerited favor.

I was sharing with my husband and another young lady recently that I have gained so much from my experiences at Urban Empowerment. There are skills that I have learned and development that God has applied to my life that I use in my day to day living. It not only has enhanced my spiritual walk, but it has brought me to a place of joy and favor in my day to day living. It is enhancing my faith walk. I can more confidently rely on the voice of Jesus rather than my own insecurities and self indulgences. I am slowly learning that it's not about who talks about me. It's not about my feelings at any given moment in time. It's not about me.

The Word applied to a developing Christian's life is exhilarating. It is like waking up. We begin to die off and meld into the body of Christ. Our identity is through Him; we relent. We truly humble ourselves--it isn't a speech. This becomes evident through God's elevation. When we "get" that it's not about us--when we really really get that one, God flips the script and blesses us to where others gain the experience of God's glory from our lives. In other words, God will elevate you.

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